Alternative Methods

posted under by Anonymous
In order not for shazwi to burn such a big hole in his pocket which results in him being bankrupt before he even starts his business,why not think of other alternatives
1.join some (very appealing )jj competitions such as jjindogu or the library is pretty easy to win if you present some decent entries,reason might be due to the fact of (overwhelming response )from students.prizes are pretty attractive like $50 food vouchers and so on
2.get hold of some stuff to blackmail the teachers such as their personal photos and all that
3.if the above does not work ,try telling the teachers how much they mean to us (esp those parting us soon,who gives us fererro roche randomly).and pray really hard that sweet talking works on them,hoping that he will sponsor his own farewell party(not advisable too evil)
4.make all our notes available in soft copy and use the money for notes for class party
try the above methods if you are really desperate or creative ,if not pay for your own expenses.
and the crap goes on


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