posted under by Anonymous
spring cleaning ,on wed 23 jan 07s24 cleaned their civics class.The class has been charged with some serious crimes such as stealing the mops ,rags and detergents from the Auntie ,we are truly sorry ,however she should in turn thank us for cleaning the class for her .Probably in another perspective ,she thinks that we are fighting with her for her iron rice bowl ,s24 seems to make a great team of cleaners ,with our bull strength we scrubbed the walls clean ,and we did that in great style of blasting music ,with occasional poses and waves to the camera panning across the room .At last the class was sparkling clean .To top it all up we had another birthday celebration for althaf ,he had a rag facial :)In conclusion ,we should do more spring cleaning and sack all those ungrateful cleaners ,who keep complaining .
study hard ,and new year is coming ,lets crash the teacher's house.


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