Rubiks craze

posted under by Anonymous
The craze has attacked Singapore once again.Students from different school and of different calibre fiddle with that three by three colour coded cube.All of them with the aim to align them completely,some devising a formula(instruction booklets have been produced already) to solve it .Twisting ,turning out of dersperation ,people brought stickers to paste them onto the cubes,announcing triumphantly that they have solved it .They lose interest in their studies.Fanatics argued back indignantly that the cubes really helped in their studies.It taught them to never give up and that practise really makes perfect.This is evident as they have been twisting and turning ,level by level ,face by face ,clockwise and anti clockwise,alm0st seven hours a day ,during lessons and break time for more than a week before they actually solve it (of course this is for those who have average iq)This accumulates to almost 40 hours a week,just to solve the weirdly designed cube.The rubiks cube is also a very profitable toy, not only can people learn how to solve it ,gurus can even conduct classes and idp to teach people who are interested too ,making a really good sum of money.
The rubiks cube did improve their math ,they had better understanding of 6 sided figures and symmetry.Much of their effort have been used to practise the number of boxes there on each cube.Some might argue that the rubiks cube have totally no relation to linguistics ability and language usage.However,they might be wrong,people write review articles on rubiks cube ot persuade them to play with this very educational and intellectual toy.In conclusion, all we need for education in this versatile and creative society is a rubiks cube,a holistic educational tool.

disclaimer(you may beg to differ but i can take up to two days to make the cross and take forever to solve that thing)


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